Back in 1985, we dropped our original recipe and opened a tiny pizza joint. After our restaurant blew up, we expanded to keep up with the demand. Thanks to our customers, we’re growing strong, and we hope you come along and grow with us.
Now, we’re here to share our family’s passion with you. Our pies are crafted with the freshest, most premium ingredients, including basil, olive oil, San Marzano tomatoes, and mozzarella. Plus, our pasta and sausages are made in-house, keeping our customers coming back for more.
Can’t swing by? Don’t stress – we’ll come to you! Hit up the ‘Order Online’ tab above, and we’ll bring your meal straight to your door. And don’t forget to use our ‘Advance Order’ feature to make sure your food arrives or is ready for pickup exactly when (and how) you want it. MANGIA! ENJOY!
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